Active Solicitations 2024

2024-29 ITB Solid Waste and Recycling Services RE-BID


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Bids from qualified contractors to Provide Solid Waste and Recycling Services, as described in City of Doral Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 2024-29.

Closing Date

12/4/2024 2:00 PM


2024-28 ITB Morgan Levy Park Restroom Renovations


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Bids from qualified contractors to Renovate the Restrooms at Doral’s Morgan Levy Park, as described in City of Doral Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 2024-28.

Closing Date

12/18/2024 2:00 PM


2024-23 RFP Doral Parks Concessions


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The City of Doral is soliciting Proposals from qualified and experienced firms to provide parks concession services. The City desires to retain the services of one or more firms to operate concessions at the City’s various parks as further described in this as described in City of Doral Request for Proposals (“RFP”) No. 2024-23.

Closing Date

10/30/2024 2:00 PM


2024 -21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Proposals from qualified vendors to Provide Recreation and Fitness Programs, as described in City of Doral Request for Proposal (“RFP”) No. 2024-21.

Closing Date

12/3/2024 2:00 PM


2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Notice(PDF, 130KB)

2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Scope of Services(PDF, 572KB)

Exhibit A - Required Submission Forms
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit A - Required Submission Forms(PDF, 250KB)

Exhibit B - Program Proposal and Qualifications Form
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit B - Program Proposal and Qualifications Form(PDF, 18KB)

Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit C - Insurance Requirements(PDF, 105KB)

Exhibit D - Program Request Form
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit D - Program Request Form(PDF, 114KB)

Exhibit E - Background Check Release Form Volunteers
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit E - Background Check Release Form Volunteers(PDF, 96KB)

Exhibit F - Approved Badge ID Example
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit F - Approved Badge ID Example(PDF, 107KB)

Exhibit G - Waiver and Release of Liability
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit G - Waiver and Release of Liability(PDF, 52KB)

Exhibit H - Payout Form
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit H - Payout Form(PDF, 86KB)

Exhibit I - Program Assessment Form
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit I - Program Assessment Form(PDF, 286KB)

Exhibit J - Draft Agreement
2024-21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Exhibit J - Draft Agreement(PDF, 254KB)

Addendum No 1
2024 -21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Addendum No 1(PDF, 166KB)

Proposal Acknowledgment
2024 -21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Proposal Acknowledgment(PDF, 186KB)

Notice of Recommendation
2024 -21 RFP Recreation and Fitness Programs - Notice of Recommendation(PDF, 40KB)  

2024-19 ITB Traffic Calming Improvements at Landmark at Doral


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Bids from qualified contractors to construct the Traffic Calming Improvements at Landmark at Doral, as described in City of Doral Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 2024-19.

Closing Date

12/04/2024 2:00 PM


2024-16 ITB Construction of City of Doral Trolley Shelters


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Bids from qualified contractors to construct, furnish, and install prefabricated bus shelters and construct concrete pads for installation of bus benches at designated trolley stops along the Doral Trolley System citywide, as described in City of Doral Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 2024-16.

Closing Date

10/30/2024 2:00 PM


2024-14 ITB Doral Boulevard Entry Features


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Doral is soliciting Bids from qualified contractors to construct the Doral Boulevard Entry Features at NW 36th Street and Palmetto Expressway, as described in City of Doral Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) No. 2024-14. Such solicitation is available on the City’s webpage, DemandStar and Vendor Registry Electronic responses will be received online via DemandStar or Vendor Registry.

Closing Date

10/23/2024 2:00 PM


2024-13 ITB Public Safety Uniforms


The City of Doral solicits formal bids to purchase uniforms, accessories, and emergency response supplies for public safety officers and support staff. The City intends to award a contract to one or more responsive and responsible vendors that provide the best price proposal to the City.

Closing Date

9/13/2024 2:00 PM


2024-12 RFP Trolley Operations and Maintenance - CANCELLED


The City of Doral Public Works Department is soliciting proposals from qualified and experienced firms for the operation and maintenance of City-owned trolleys. The awarded Contractor shall provide day to day management, operation and maintenance of the trolley transportation services for the City.

Closing Date



2024-11 ITB Construction Doral Blvd Entry Features - ALL PROPOSALS REJECTED


The City of Doral is soliciting Bids from a qualified General Contractor to construct the Doral Boulevard Entry features at the NW 36 Street and Palmetto Expressway. Through the ITB process described herein, qualified Contractors interested in assisting the City with the provision of such services must prepare and submit a bid packet in accordance with the procedure and schedule of this ITB. The City will review submittals only from those Contractors that submit an ITB packet which includes all the information required as described herein.

Closing Date



2024-10 ITB Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services - CANCELLED


The City of Doral is seeking bids from contractors for a qualified provider of solid waste collection and recycling services at City facilities. The City intends to award a contract to one or more responsive and responsible vendors that provide the best price proposal to the City.

Closing Date



2024-09 ITB Construction of Section 7 Traffic Calming Improvements


The City of Doral is soliciting Bids from a qualified General Engineering Construction Contractor to construct Section 7 traffic calming improvements. Through the Invitation to Bid (ITB) process described herein, qualified Contractors interested in assisting the City with the provision of such services must prepare and submit a bid packet in accordance with the procedure and schedule of this ITB.

Closing Date

7/30/2024 2:00 PM


2024-08 RFP Landscape and Athletic Fields Maintenance


The City is soliciting Proposals from qualified and experienced firms for landscaping and athletic fields maintenance services. The City desires to retain the services of a licensed landscaping company to maintain the landscaping at City facilities and bikeways as further described in this solicitation. It is the City’s intent to select a contractor to perform Landscape and Athletic Fields Maintenance services for the City under the scope of this solicitation. The City reserves the right to remove any portion of this project should it deem it to be in the best interest of the City.

Closing Date

7/8/2024 2:00 PM


2024-07 ITB Public Safety Uniforms and Accessories - CANCELLED


The City of Doral solicits formal bids to purchase uniforms and accessories for public safety officers and support staff. The City intends to award a contract to one or more responsive and responsible vendors that provide the best price proposal to the City.

Closing Date



2024-06 RFQ City of Doral City Attorney Services


The City is soliciting statements of qualifications from qualified and experienced law firms to provide a full range of municipal legal services serving as the City’s legal counsel on a contractual basis pursuant to the City Charter (“City Attorney”). The City Attorney will perform all duties pursuant to the City of Doral’s Charter and Code of Ordinances. The services sought by the City include serving as the City’s attorney of record or overseeing the attorney of record. The City Attorney shall perform the duties of the City Attorney under such terms, conditions, and compensation as may be established by the Council.

Closing Date

4/15/2024 10:00 AM


2024-05 ITN Independent IT Audit


The City invites proposals from qualified independent firms specializing in IT security audits, digital forensics, and penetration testing to conduct an analysis of the City’s IT security and access. The City intends to use the Proposals submitted in response to this ITN to rank order the Proposers according to the requirements of the solicitation and to then initiate contract negotiations with the top ranked Proposer.

Closing Date

4/10/2024 10:00 AM


2024-04 RFP Doral Communications Plan - ALL PROPOSALS REJECTED


The City invites qualified firms to submit their proposals for the development of a comprehensive strategic communications plan. The selected firm will play a pivotal role in enhancing the City's communication efforts to effectively engage with residents, stakeholders, and the wider community. The goal is to acquire a strategic communications plan for the City of Doral that helps strengthen city-wide communication between our government and its audiences. The City intends to use the Proposals submitted in response to this RFP to rank order the Proposers according to the requirements of the solicitation and to then initiate contract negotiations with the top ranked Proposer.

Closing Date

All Proposals Rejected


2024-03 RFP Amphitheater Management Doral Central Park


The City of Doral is soliciting Proposals from qualified and experienced firms for the provision of amphitheater management services at Doral Central Park. The City intends to use the Proposals submitted in response to this RFP to rank order the Proposers according to their qualifications, capacity to perform, and other requirements set forth in the solicitation and to then initiate contract negotiations with the top ranked Proposer. This RFP is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all work and materials necessary to supply the goods and/or services required. Each firm is responsible for determining all factors necessary for submission of a comprehensive response. The firm who is chosen shall provide services that involve expertise in amphitheater venue management. The City will review submittals only from those firms that submit a Proposal that complies with all the minimum requirements set forth in this RFP.

Closing Date

3/15/2024 10:00 AM


2024-01 ITB Construction of Section 7 Traffic Calming Improvements


The City of Doral is soliciting Bids from a qualified General Engineering Construction Contractor to construct Section 7 traffic calming improvements. Through the Invitation to Bid (ITB) process described herein, qualified Contractors interested in assisting the City with the provision of such services must prepare and submit a bid packet in accordance with the procedure and schedule of this ITB.

Closing Date

3/26/2024 8:00 AM
