Fee Schedule
Effective March 1, 2021
Jan 2018 Fee Schedule(PDF, 379KB)
Current Fee Schedule 3/1/2021-12/31/2024(PDF, 420KB)
Future Fee Schedule – Effective 1/1/2025(PDF, 513KB)
Coming in 2025!
- New, simpler fee schedule will be effective January 1, 2025 for all new permit master/primary permit applications inclusive of all general trade permits.
- A 30% upfront fee will be due upon the application completeness check.
- Item counts for fixtures, lights, etc. will no longer be required. No more fee sheets!
- Shop Drawings can be submitted at time of original application or as one group including trusses, railings, stairs, etc. for $250 each time an application is made.
- Reinspections & Callbacks: $91.00
- Minor Revisions: $182.00
- Major Revisions: $250.00