Bid Notifications
All Formal Bids are advertised via:
Vendor Registry
Active Solicitations Page
Demand Star
Bidders that register directly via "Notify Me" will receive an email when a bid is advertised, regardless of the commodity of goods or services being requested.
Notify Me
The Procurement Division maintains a list of prospective vendors and bidders.
To receive bid notifications, fill out the form and click subscribe.
You will receive an email confirmation from Mail Chimp, click on "Yes subscribe me to this list" and you are done.
Register with Demandstar
The City of Doral has partnered with DemandStar- an online marketplace connecting local governments with an extensive network of suppliers across Florida and nationwide. DemandStar is open and accessible to all businesses. DemandStar gives you instant access to RFPs, bids, quotes, and other opportunities with the City of Doral.
By registering for a complimentary account with DemandStar, you get Instant Access to bids for the City of Doral. Your free DemandStar account provides:
- Instant access to all bid and quotes for the City of Doral
- Automatic notifications from the City of Doral - right to your inbox
- The ability to quickly view the contractual terms and scope of work
- All the forms and documents you need in one place
Register with Demandstar
Demandstar Registration Guide(PDF, 269KB)
Demandstar List of current and awarded projects
To receive the City of Doral’s notifications, vendors may register with Demandstar online or by calling 1-800-711-1712. By registering, vendors who have downloaded a bid opportunity will automatically receive notification of related addenda. If you register solely for City of Doral under the Demandstar "Free Agency" checkbox, there is no cost for this bid notification service.