Commercial Property Search
Locate your Business in Doral!
Interested in locating or expanding your business in the City of Doral? Enter your ideal site criteria below to access a database of available commercial buildings and land in the City of Doral. Property reports include area demographics, consumer spending trends, and labor force statistics.
Commercial Brokers
Market your listings at no cost and help the City of Doral gain a competitive advantage in attracting employers to our City.
Miami-Dade County and The Beacon Council, Miami-Dade County’s Official Economic Development Partnership have launched a website which serves as a site selection tool for attracting new investments to Miami-Dade County. For more information on how to add your commercial listing to this database, please contact The Beacon Council directly at 305-579-1300 or visit and click on the “Add Properties” icon.
Technical issues and/or questions
The website and commercial listings database is managed by The Beacon Council. Should you experience any technical issues or have any questions regarding this property search tool, please contact The Beacon Council directly at 305-579-1300 or send an email to