Studies and Master Plans

As directed by the City Council and the Comprehensive Development Master plan, the Planning and Zoning Department is tasked, or provides input to other departments with the preparation of various planning studies. As a result of these studies, City Council may generate new regulations and policies which will shape the City for years to come. These studies focus on a wide range of topics such as urban design, economic development, transportation and environmental issues.

Relevant Documents

Adaptive Reuse Master Plan

The City of Doral has experienced significant recent population growth and development, with a 49% increase from the 2010 census population count (45,704) to the 2018 Bureau of Economic and Business Research population estimate (68,224) (see Figure E-1). This growth has stimulated several major residential and mixed-use projects in the City, including the Downtown Doral project.

Adaptive Reuse Master Plan
(PDF, 13MB)

City Hall Needs Assessment

The scope of the needs assessment includes analysis of existing facilities both public and private, data and collection, conceptual plans, financial analysis, conceptual plans, green design and space allocation and standards.

City Hall Needs Assessment(PDF, 6MB)

Doral Boulevard Master Plan

The street Beautification Master Plan will service to specifically guide the development pattern along the Boulevard, as an overlay to the City’s Land Development Regulations, in order to ensure the quality of spaces and character expressed and envisions by the residents of the City. The Doral Boulevard Master Plan envisions Doral Boulevard as the ‘Main Street’ of the City, a vibrant, active and pedestrian-oriented environment where residents and visitors can live, shop and recreate.

Doral Boulevard Master Plan(PDF, 27MB)

Doral Design District

Doral Design District’s land use concept provides the base framework for the District and serves as a blueprint to guide property owners, planners, decision makers, and the general public on the desired pattern of development. It describes future land use activity designed to achieve the District’s vision as well as the City’s long-range goals for economic revitalization, creation of quality jobs, and increased employment opportunities. The land use concept is based on fundamental planning principles for the organization and distribution of land use activities in keeping with Smart Growth principles.

Doral Design District(PDF, 8MB)

Doral’s Water Supply Plan

Chapter 163.3177(6)(c)3, Florida Statutes, requires the City of Doral to prepare and adopt Water Supply Facilities Work Plans into their comprehensive plans within 18 months after the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) approves a regional water supply plan or its update. The Water Supply Facilities Work Plan must address the development of traditional and alternative water supplies and management strategies, including conservation and reuse. The data and analyses, including population projections and water demand, must span at least a 10-year planning period and be consistent with the 2018 Lower East Coast Water Supply Plan Update. The purpose of the 20-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (Work Plan) is to identify and plan in coordination with Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) water supply sources and facilities needed to serve existing and new development within the City.

Doral’s Water Supply Plan(PDF, 98MB)

Green Design Master Plan

The goal of the Green Plan is to conserve natural resources, enhance quality of life, bolster economic vitality, and leave a sustainable legacy to future generations City of Doral residents. The plan has been organized into Ten Guiding Principles, each intended to make the City a model green community.

Green Design Master Plan(PDF, 15MB)

Lid Plan

The City of Doral developed a LID Plan to assist the City in maximizing the implementation of LID planning practices. These practices minimize impacts from anticipated development and/or redevelopment projects. The purpose of the LID Master Plan is to provide the City of Doral with guidelines and recommendations to adopt integrated LID Best Management Practices (BMPs) and green infrastructure practices in future development sites.

LID Plan(PDF, 17MB)

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan will serve to evaluate current parks and recreation needs of City of Doral residents, develop a vision for the City’s Parks and recreation facilities and programs, and create and implementation strategy to guide the city toward that vision.

Parks and Recreation Master Plan(PDF, 14MB)

Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan was a project funded jointly by the City of Doral and Miami-Dade County Metropolitan Planning Organization, (MPO). Through public involvement, data collection and analysis, projects were recommended based on the needs of three components of the transportation system. These components include: Roadway Network (capacity), Transit (alternative modes) and Transportation Management (traffic management, policies).

Transportation Master Plan(PDF, 47MB)