Senior Art by Artes Dora

Senior Art by Artes Dora Image

16 classes total/ $2.50 a class for seniors.

Our Silver Club Art Program is designed for older students ages fifty-five (55+) and older to come together and paint in a relaxed atmosphere with great company to receive step-by-step instruction. Supplies to be used by participants in the class are included.

Doral Legacy Park

11400 NW 82 Street

Fall A

September 3- October 24

Resident 55+ Fee: $40.00
Non-Resident 55+ Fee: $48.00

Fall B

October 29-December 19 (NO CLASS THANKSGIVING DAY 11/28)

Resident 55+ Fee: $38.00
Non-Resident 55+ Fee: $46.00

Days and Times

Tuesdays and Thursdays - AM 10:00 am - 12:00 pm | PM 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Contact information

Register online