New 2024 Report Outlines Doral’s Flood Protection Efforts

Published on January 24, 2025

New 2024 Report Outlines Doral’s Flood Protection Efforts Image

Doral, FL – In an effort to improve public safety and protect Doral’s buildings, properties and residents, the City of Doral has conducted a Community Rating System (CRS) 510 Progress Report for Fiscal Year 2024. The objective of the CRS Activity 510, Floodplain Management Planning, is to credit the production of an overall strategy of programs, projects, and measures that will reduce the adverse impact of the hazard on the community and help meet other community needs.

This year’s annual report, provided to Mayor and Council on January 22nd, concluded that all of the flood protection projects scheduled for completion this fiscal year were successfully completed. These projects, including improvements to NW 84th Avenue and NW 58th Street drainage systems, follows Doral's flood protection plan and help the City earn credits from FEMA, which can lead to lower flood insurance costs for residents.

The City of Doral Public Works Department (PWD) completed Project ITB 2022-23 for the NW 84th Avenue Stormwater Improvements Project between NW 87th Avenue and NW 82nd Avenue is part of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included in the 2021 Stormwater Master Plan Update (SMPU).

The CIP Project for Sub Basin “NW 33 ST W” was also included in the Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) and can be considered a Mitigation Project for Floodplain Management.

Thirdly, PWD completed ITB 2022-22 for the NW 58th Street Outfall Project, not a CIP but was included in the SMPU. This project included stormwater drainage along NW 57th Street between NW 78th Avenue and NW 79th Avenue, along NW 79th Avenue between NW 57th Street and NW 58th Street, and an outfall along NW 58th Street that discharges stormwater to the NW 58th Street Canal.
To meet the important objectives, CRS participating communities must develop and implement a “Community Floodplain Management Plan” to address repetitive losses in the community, flood related hazards threating public safety and welfare, and protect property and businesses from flooding.

The City’s plan recognizes the activities and requirements associated with the floodplain management planning, repetitive loss area analyses and natural floodplain function planning set forth in Activity 510. The benefits associated with this plan are as follow:

  1. Identify existing and future flood-related hazards and their causes.
  2. Ensure that a comprehensive review of all possible activities and mitigation measures is conducted so that the most appropriate solutions will be implemented to address the
  3. Ensure that the recommended activities meet the goals and objectives of the
    community, are in coordination with land use and comprehensive planning, do not
    create conflicts with other activities, and are coordinated so that the costs of
    implementing individual activities are reduced.
  4. Ensure that the criteria used in community land use and development programs account for the hazards faced by existing and new development.
  5. Educate residents and property owners about the hazards, loss reduction measures, and the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains.
  6. Build public and political support for activities and projects that prevent new problems, reduce losses and protect the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains.
  7. Build a constituency that wants to see the plan’s recommendations implemented.

The report was prepared through a collaborative effort by the City’s Floodplain Management Team, including key personnel from the Building, Public Works and Planning & Zoning Departments.

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