Local business taxes (formerly known as occupational licenses) vary depending on the nature of business. A receipt is required for each place of business and for each separate classification at the same location.A business located within the City of Doral is required to obtain both a city receipt and a County receipt. • Local Business Tax Receipts are issue for one year, beginning October 1 and expiring on September 30 of each year. • The Local Business Tax Receipt and Certificate of Use must be displayed conspicuously at your place of business and in such a manner as to be open to the view of the public and subject to inspection by all duly authorized City of Doral officers. • The Business Licensing Division must be notified in writing regarding any changes to the following: business name or ownership, location, number of employees, equipment, machines or any other contingency. • If the business ceases operation, the owner must return the Local Business Tax Receipt to the Occupational License office. • Some Local Business Tax Categories have specific additional requirements. Some applicants are eligible for exemptions.
Please be advised that you must get Derm approval on our applications and have the fire inspection report before submitting your paperwork to the city. We will not accept your applications if these conditions have not been met.
You must receive approval for Business Use in requested location:
Please email Licensing Division btrlicensing@cityofdoral.com, we will inform you if your use requires a Planning and Zoning approval. If so you will be provided with the Preliminary Zoning Verification Document(PDF, 213KB) and steps to follow to receive approval. Once approval from the city of Doral has been obtained, the Licensing Division will provide you with the required documents to proceed with Step 2 (Derm and Fire).
The Department of Environmental Resource Management (Derm) approval as well as Fire Inspection approval.
You may not proceed until directed by the Licensing Division!
Obtain DERM: Miami-Dade County Application Submittal Portal Obtain Fire Inspection Report: Miami-Dade County Fire Inspections
Once above requirements have been met (Derm, Fire) and any other approvals (example Building Permits and State Licenses), you are ready to proceed to step 3.
Create an account and apply online.
Go to our CSS Portal
Once account has been created please apply for your license Under “Apply” tab please look under “Licenses” row and at the bottom click “All” Once page has loaded please click on your corresponding application (please look for processes under BTR)
If business is home based, please contact the Chief Licensing Officer.