Doral Unveils Impressive “Migrante Monument” at Doral Legacy Park

Published on December 13, 2024

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Doral, FL – The City has proudly unveiled the new “Migrante Monument” at Doral Legacy Park! The stunning new permanent public art installation was created by transdisciplinary artist Nelson Gonzalez, originally from Venezuela and based in Aruba since 2003.

Mayor Christi Fraga, Councilwoman Maureen Porras, Councilwoman Nicole Reinoso, and representatives from the offices of Councilman Rafael Pineyro and Councilwoman Digna Cabral, joined renowned artist, Nelson Gonzalez, to unveil the monument that celebrates the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of migrants and their valuable contributions to our society.

"A symbol of hope and unity, this artwork reflects the diverse tapestry of our community and captures the essence of Doral –a place where people from all walks of life come together to build a better future,“ stated Mayor Christi Fraga. “We are proud to continue growing arts and culture in our City through meaningful projects like this.”

"The Migrante Monument is a bronze testament to the strength and determination of those who have forged this vibrant, multicultural city,” said Nelson Gonzalez. “We hope it soon becomes a treasured symbol in Doral, South Florida, the first in the entire state dedicated to migration, reflecting the past 20 years since the city’s incorporation."

This art sculpture was acquired following an open competitive Call for Art in 2022 as part of the City of Doral’s Public Arts Program, with the goal of enhancing aesthetics of the city’s environment, cultural enrichment, and sense of place. It will remain installed at Doral Legacy Park permanently for all to enjoy.

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