Government Center

Res. No. 15-135 Dell Consulting for Virtual Health
Res. No. 15-135 Dell Consulting for Virtual Health.pdf

Res. No. 15-134 2015 Update Capital Improvement Element
Res. No. 15-134 2015 Update Capital Improvement Element.pdf

Res. No. 15-133 Temporary Banners on High Rise Buildings
Res. No. 15-133 Temporary Banners on High Rise Buildings.pdf

Res. No. 15-132 LED Electronic Messaging Boards
Res. No. 15-132 LED Electronic Messaging Boards.pdf

Res. No. 15-131 Doral 87 Group, LLC Rezoning
Res. No. 15-131 Doral 87 Group, LLC Rezoning.pdf

Res. No. 15-130 Small Scale Amendment Doral 87 Group LLC
Res. No. 15-130 Small Scale Amendment Doral 87 Group LLC.pdf

Res. No. 15-13 Amending Future Land Use Element Text DMU

Res. No. 15-129 Rezoning from 97 Property LLC
Res. No. 15-129 Rezoning from 97 Property LLC.pdf

Res. No. 15-128 Proposed Millage Rate FY 15-16
Res. No. 15-128 Proposed Millage Rate FY 15-16.pdf

Res. No. 15-127 Modification of the Fourth Amended Destrictions Landmark South
Res. No. 15-127 Modification of the Fourth Amended Destrictions Landmark South.pdf

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8401 NW 53rd Terrace Doral, Florida 33166
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