Res. No. 18-39 Building Department Vehicle Purchase
Res. No. 18-39 Building Department Vehicle Purchase.pdf
Res. No. 18-38 Purchase of Lot at NW 66 Street and NW 102 Avenue
Res. No. 18-38 Purchase of Lot at NW 66 Street and NW 102 Avenue.pdf
Res. No. 18-37 Urging Legislature To Make Texting A Primary Offense
Res. No. 18-37 Urging Legislature To Make Texting A Primary Offense.pdf
Res. No. 18-36 Urging Legislature To Prohibit Conducting Business with Venezuela
Res. No. 18-36 Urging Legislature To Prohibit Conducting Business with Venezuela.pdf
Res. No. 18-35 Downtown Doral South CDD Contraction
Res. No. 18-35 Downtown Doral South CDD Contraction.pdf
Res. No. 18-34 NW 54 St Roadway Reconstruction Project Increase of Contract Amount
Res. No. 18-34 NW 54 St Roadway Reconstruction Project Increase of Contract Amount.pdf
Res. No. 18-33 Work Order BCC Engineering Tree Inventory State Grant
Res. No. 18-33 Work Order BCC Engineering Tree Inventory State Grant.pdf
Res. No. 18-32 Adopt-a-Street The Mora-Roman Family
Res. No. 18-32 Adopt-a-Street The Mora-Roman Family.pdf
Res. No. 18-31 Doral Boulevard Median Landscaping Improvements (HEFT to NW 97 Avenue)
Res. No. 18-31 Doral Boulevard Median Landscaping Improvements (HEFT to NW 97 Avenue).pdf
Res. No. 18-30 Catch Basin Maintenance Program Contract Extension
Res. No. 18-30 Catch Basin Maintenance Program Contract Extension.pdf