Doral Meadow Park Fields Get a Facelift!

Replacement of turf at Doral Meadow Park Fields

As part of the City’s commitment to making Doral a great place to live, learn, work, and play, the artificial turf fields at Doral Meadow Park will be replaced beginning on Monday, June 26, 2017 in order to maintain the highest quality and safety for our residents. This project will take approximately 120 days to complete. Throughout the project, access to certain portions of the park will be off limits to all patrons, and a fenced-in staging area will be constructed on the north side of the soccer fields. Our sports providers have been notified of the pending work on the fields and will be accommodated at our local schools and other park facilities to not disrupt programming.

Doral Meadow Park is home to many wonderful amenities, including the very popular soccer/football fields, which have seen an estimated 90,000 residents on the fields alone during the course of this fiscal year. The original synthetic turf fields were installed 9 years ago and throughout the years, the fields have required several repairs.

In the meantime, we encourage all our residents to visit our other facilities during this time and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@cityofdoral) for updates as this project progresses. Please feel free to contact Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Michael Festa, at 305-593-6725 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project.

Doral Meadows Park
2022 Copyright City of Doral
8401 NW 53rd Terrace Doral, Florida 33166
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